
Mochammad Fahmi Ali
Midterm test English for Young Learners

Midterms test

Name : Dhea octaviani
Class : 2B
Nim : 2109180063

Midterm Test

Name: Muhammad Rizki Maulana
Class : 2A
NIM : 2109180006

Midterm EYL

Name : Afin Puapita R
NIM : 2109180033
Class : 2C

English for Young Learner

Young learner i a cacth-all for student who are not yet adults. And here are more about young learner.

Characteristics of young learner in learning language :
1.       Individual Attention
It is really Important for taecher to give an individual attention for young learner. By talking with them or asking them about some vocabulary. It can be done in some activities suc as class journal, pre-activity, or some small circle.

2.       Attention Span
Children are very difficult to keep their attention for to long . And the durations are different accrding to their ages. The duration for young learner are about 15 to 30 minutes. So the teacher have to work as hard as possible so that children keep their attentions to the teacher.

Ways to teach language for young learner :
1.       Listening and speaking language are more prioritized than reading and writing.
2.       When teaching the new concept, make sure to relate it to what they already know in their own language.
3.       Use English as much as possible.
4.       Teacher’s main goal is to make sure the student undestand the language they are being taught.
5.       Allow the children to use their first language, then give the English version of what thei said.
6.       When they understand, then the next aim is to make them can produce the language.
7.       Star with simple vocabularies.
8.       Learn and memorize it slowly with much reapetitions.
9.        The next step is to move to sentences, and make sure the children understand the language.
10.   Make some good routines.
11.   Use body language
12.   Use games, involve the children in it, and make it fun.
13.   Use song to increase children’s abilities in vocabulary and grammar of language even without trying.

Class Management and Atmosphere
1.       Ideal Teacher
Every student have their favorite teacher. Such as teacher who has a beautiful smile, or teacher who lively , or techer who is really patient.  Those are personalities that not everyone can have. But it does’t mean techer who does’n have those personalities can’t be a good teacher. They can improve in their abilities and attitude.
a.       Abbilities: Even if you are not an expert but at least you can sing or play music to make your class more enjoyeble.
b.      Attitude: You sould be fair to all of the student and not prioritize one above another.

2.       Helping the children to feel secure
Make the children to feel secure and confortable in the class.
a.       Make them feel secure when they know that you ere in charge in their class.
b.      Repect  the students
c.       Let them make a mistake, don’t correct them as long as it is not in language exercises, and tell them not to be affraid of doing something wrong because everyone can make a mistake.
d.      Having some good routines.
e.      Give them some responsibility for doing practical job in classroom.
f.        Don’t make an organized competition.
g.       Avoiding for giving a physical prize.
h.      Don’t give childrens english name.

3.     The Physical
Children will respond well when they are familar with their surrounding. The teacher can make some English Corner if the place are not that wide, they can put some shelf to put books, or things that can be used in learning language, and children can participate to decorate it by puting what they like or what they bring from home such us small plant, post card, or some colorful pins. Make the corner beautiful, and comfortable for children to play there.

4.       Arranging the desk
a.        In arrangement A, the teachers can arrange the desk by four desks per group that make it’s easy for a group work,  and leaving the space in the middle than can help the teachers to reach every students.
b.      For arrangement B, the students sit sepatarely and they can only see the back of one who sit in front of them, so it is not suitable in language class.
c.        The last arrangement is similar to arrangement B but a bit more flexible and there are more space for teachers to move

5.       Grouping the children
The teachers can group the YL in pair or with group as needed.
a.        Pairwork can be made by pairing with their deskmate. It can be made as a routine.
b.      Groupwork can be made for activities that need more people, when the students are not used for groupwork we can introduce them little by little through teaching learning. 

6.      Classroom Language
The language is used as much as possible during the class, and to make it easier to understand the teacher can use the tool that can be found in the class and make some coversation where they can develop their language in comunicating and learn more expression in the foreign language.

Teaching Listening and Speaking
1.      Listening
Children Should listen as much as possible when learning English. It can be done by playing some English Recording or Video to help them to practice more.

2.      Speaking
Using some patern to practice their speaking skill, and make them to repeat what the teacher said. It can also use dialogue that they can use in daily life.

Midterm test EYL

Name : Andi herdiana
NIM.   : 2109180031
Class. : 2A

Mid Test

Dena Tsalist Setiadi

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Mid-term Test

Adam Alkautsar

Mid-term test

Adi budianto

Structured task

Adi budianto

1.  In my opinion  i want to consider the speaking aspect, why? Because i think that speaking is the most important aspect in rnglish learning. There are so many case that the young learners good in listening but they can't deliver their feeling and idea.

2. because listening is the most basic aspect of learning to speak English.  for example when we teach speaking to young learners they listen to what we say first before they follow what we say.

3. from the practices of teaching to young learners i choose song as a media to teach young learners. Why? Because song can make an important contribution to young learner's listening skill, pronunciation, vocabulary,  sentence structure and repetation that might otherwise be tedious. (Cameroon 2001). And then song can make an important contribution  to young learner's speaking skill. After  they liste to music they usually imitate ehat they hear, even though sometimes it is rather absurd. But they have developed what they need is just  the direction of the teacher it selves.


Muhammad Sidqi Abdurrofi

Link : Here

Midterm Test_Poster

Assalamualaaikum, hello everyone....👋
I've just made a poster here ,click this link below..

Sony's Poster

Midterm Test

Name : Lia Julianah
NIM    : 2109180090
Class   : 2C

Midterm Test : Poster EYL

Midterm Poster

Name : Euis Nurhalimah
Class : 2B
NIM : 2109180098


Name : Aanisah Putri Nur Aini
Class : 2C
Nim : 2109180070


Sifa Fauziah

Midterm Poster

Name : EulisTN
Class : 2B
NIM : 2109180093



Mid-term poster

Aji Bagja Gumelar

Mid Term- Poster

Name : Yuda Anugrah
Class : 2 B
NIM : 2109180004

Structure Task

Name    : Yuda Anugrah
Class      : 2 B
Nim        : 2109180004

1.    1.  As a teacher. First things should be consider of teaching speaking English to Young Learners. That the student are on a good mood because base on Phillips ( 1993 ) Young learners are less self-conscious than olders learners. And the fact are Young learners love to have a little conversation, sing a song, game, etc. Because of it. As a teacher can use all of those as a strategy to teaching progress.
2.    2. The reason of speaking can be integrate with listening while learning speaking. Because young learners learnt to speak by heard the word by the teacher, and it can grow up young learners listening skill. After listen what the teacher said ( The words ) directly the student repeat or write down the words. And all of it good to improve a lot of ability on English.
3.    3.  Listen and Repeat
The activities give the Learners a chance to practice parts of the language - the sounds, stress, rhyme, and the information, in it also can promote effective pronunciation. When performed in combination with movements, objects or pictures, chants, songs and story refrains, they help Learners to estabilish a link between words and meaning TPR. The specific activities of listen and Repeat are :
1.       Drawing
2.       Gap feeling
3.       Body moving

Midterm Test Poster ( Risa Ristiani)

Risa Ristiani
Handmade poster

Mid Terms Test ( Poster )

Name : Aji Bagja Gumelar
NIM : 2109180010
Class : 2A

Mid Terms Test( Poster )

Name : Sri Jayanti
NIM : 2109180112
Class : 2A

Midterm Test (Handmade Poster)

NAME   : Dicky Kurniawan
NIM       : 2109180049

Midterm Poster :

Mid Terms Test (Hand Made Poster)

Name: Dede Permana
NIM: 2109180030
Class: 2A

Mid-Term Test (Handmade Poster)

Name : Salsabil Nasywa A
NIM    : 2109180041
Class   : 2B

Poster midtremtest

Name : fitri amanda ys
Class : 2c
Nim : 2109180088

Structured task

Name    : Adi Padli Mubarok
NIM       : 2109180089
Class     : 2B

Structured task

Teaching Speaking for Young Leaners Structured Task

1. Afler foundout about Philips theory which states that the way they teach is more like small talk, singing or shart phrases. In ry first consideration in teachirg ther I would consider how to bring the classroom atmosphere to life and all students participated at the beginning of the meeting, in the manner that Philips mentioned was singing using some English sentences that were easily understood by students. If there are students who have not participated in the theory that I bring, I will try to invite. 
1. consider how to make the child participate so that all students can be active in class.
2. We can integrate Speaking and listening in a way, the first practice is by giving questions that are casy and can be answered casily by students. Second, Listen and Repeat by performing in corr bination with movements, objects or pictures, chants, songs and story refrains, they help learners to establish a link between words and meaning TPR (drawing, gap filling, body moving). The third, by way of Listen and Arrange. Then you car play the Card Game, and finally the Poer or Chant game. 
3. choose to practice by listening and repcat. The proccdure is: • The activities give the learners a chance to practice parts of the language the sounds, stress, rhyme and the intonation - to promote effective pronunciation. • When performed in combination with movenents, objects or pictures, chants, songs and story refroins, they help learners to establish a link betweer words ard meaning TPR (drawing, gap filling, body moving).

Summary Adi Padli

Name   : Adi Padli Mubarok
NIM      : 2109180089
Class    : 2B

Summary and structured task

How to Teach English Listening for Young Learners
Listening to young learners it's important for children to listen as much as English of an appropriate level as possible. Native speakers who are of elementary school-aged read the new words first, hear them first, they may say soon afterward.
Based on theories of Paul (2003) there are several techniques about how to teach listening to young learners use applying in listening activity there are:
1. Dictation
2. Chopstick spelling game
3. Bingo grid
4. Word search dictation
5. Theories
6. TPR

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Structured Task

1. Based on the theories you have learned about teaching speaking to young learners, what is your first consideration on teaching them?

My first consideration while teach speaking to young learners is their character, it characteristics include cognitive, psychomotor and affective aspects of children. I supposed to be make a comprehensive survey (not only through a professional judgment). It is important to measure the level of young learners in our classroom and be a reference for considering the material to be given. So that the material provided will more optimal and match. For example, refer to Phillips (1993, p. 34) "YL (s) love to have little conversations, sing songs, and learn short phrases". In this case, a teacher need to choose the best little conversation theme and it needs affective aspect data of young learners, for that metter survey will become as a tools to help a teacher reach more effective and efficient teaching speaking activity.

Likewise, survey is a tools to select the best song that our students like and also can serve as an indicator to reconstruct learning models. Teacher must be a smart chooser in their classroom especially in selecting the material, and those choices will more appropriate if supported by data. In this case is characteristic of their student.

2. Why can speaking be integrated with listening activites?

Because listening and speaking are a unity to facilitate someone in learning languages. Simply put, people need to hear in order to speak, a person will have difficulty achieving good pronunciation without the contribution of good listening. although it is possible to read a pronunciation tutorial (without do a listening activity) but it would not effective.

Speaking and listening are integrated and become a two interrelated and interconnected components in language.

3. From the practices of teaching speaking to young learners, choose one of them and please tell me about the procedures detail.

Honestly I'm still looking for new breakthroughs and new methods specifically for teaching speaking to young learners in Indonesia, I think there must be one activity that can unite "listen & doing", "listen & repeat", and "listen and arrange" as has been explained, but specifically there are 3 more methods namely : listen and tell, listen and respond, listen and guess. I believe that these 6 things are collage that have a great effectiveness in learning speaking activiy.

In practice I will use the help of digital animation in the form of monologue videos with and appropriate level for my our student. The procedures detail is :

  • Instruct young learners to watch the monologue videos.
  • In the first minute I will pause the video. And ask the children about the content in the video. (Listen and Respond) it helps more effective learning because it can stimulate the affective side of children.
  • Monologue videos usually have a lot of Q&A portion. The main characters in the video will ask questions like:
what is your name? or
do you know who i am? or
do you know what is it? or
what color is it?
(such as the dora explorer cartoon in the part when she is looking for something)
  • Monologues videos also often provide instructions, for example in Dora's cartoons : say map!
I would add another instrucstion like :
Louder ...
One more ..
Good Job..
  • Instruct young learner to forwarding my question to their friend. 
For example, is there a pink thing here? try to search!

In essence, a monologue video is completely helpful, because it has an imaginative effect which in my opinion will help the class conducive and include 6 elements that exposed before (listen & tell, listen & doing, listen & repeat, listen & guess, listen & respond, listen & arrange).

And it would be better if the monologue video with a firm context embedded because using familiar situations and characters, real-life conversations are more useful in learning language. Context reduces language abstractly, isolated sentences, not connected will be much more easily tolerated by children mind and it's going in line with Arnold (2016) that has suggested in this regard that listening can be made more comprehensible by using exaggerated intonation to hold the child’s attention, emphasizing key words, presenting the topics that are familiar to the child, repeating and paraphrasing frequently, and keeping sentences short and grammatically simple and they also need to be encouraged to communicate through purposeful, real here-and-now experiences (Cameron 2001; Pinter 2011).

Dhilal Ahmad Sobarudin
2B (2109180073)

Mid-term test

Summary Theory (Paul 2003) and Structured Task

Name : Riskanawati
Class/NIM : 2C/2109180044

Summary of Theories and Practices of Teaching Listening to Young Learners
In terms of theory, there is an opinion of (Paul, 2003) which says that it very important to teach as much listening as they can.however, there is a positive and negative impact of this. The positive impact is, the Young Learners can be lack confidence and positivity. But the negative impact is, Young Learners can’t improve during learning takes places. And so that the Young Learners can learn more, parents are advised to play videos or movie for them.
And from the practice side, the students can listen the new words first, but they also can read that at first. The students can listen, spelling, and practice like the teacher. Listen activity from Paul theory is categorized into three parts. The first is dictations (like bingo games and chopstick spelling game). The second is stories, and the last is TPR.


1. I will consider about how to make all students focus and participate actively in learning. Because if students are active and focused it will be easy for the teacher to provide the material.

2. Because in learning speaking, we can’t be separated from listening too. For example, in listening there is learning with a TPR method. And in speaking too, TPR is one of the methods taught to the YL.

3. Teacher can do more practice for the young learners, I will to try to apply the practice of listening and repeat. Because the YL can easily understand and learn. For example:
Teacher : What is this? (while holding blue book pen)
Student : That is book Ma’am
Teacher : Ah yes, this is a book. What color of this book?
Student : Blue Ma’am
Teacher : Yes, it is blue color. But, not all books are blue (while showing other colors)

Summary Dhea Octaviani

Name : Dhea Octaviani
NIM : 2109180063
Class : 2B

Assalamualaikum wr wb
good evening ma'am, I'm apologize in advance because I sent my assignment through sabrina's blog because my blog is interrupted, thank you ma'am.

Begin with the theories by Paul ( 2003 ). base on Paul it is important to listen as much English of an appropriate level as possible. appropriate level it means proficiency of students in mastering English, neither is easy or difficult listening for them when they learning Listening in Class activity. Next, To implement listening activity on a classroom it depends on the situation. So for indonesian which are English as foreign language for them, the teacher can teach listening first. There are some activities for applying in listening activity classroom, so the first activities is Dictation. the second one is Chopstick Spelling Games.


Winda Ismanita

How to teach listening to young lerners :
-> Theories of teach listening to young lerners
-> Practice of teach listening to young lerners
-> Structures task
-> Independend task

Its important for children to listen as much as English of an appropriate level as possible. The level have to easy for the young lerners.
The implement listening activity it depend on situation, if the age young learner can read the word they attend to read first.
Based on theorie of Paul (2003)  there are several techniques how to teach listening to young lerner use applying in listening activity there are:
1. Dictation
2. Chopstick spelling game
3. Bingo grid
4. Word search dictation
5. Theories
6. TPR

Structured Task

Winda Ismanita

Young learners in Indonesia have very little opportunity to use English in communication.  Because of this, each of them must have the opportunity to speak during English lessons and must participate properly.  If the class is large, then we must divide the class into groups or place students in pairs so they can work and help one another.  First, Preparing children to communicate.  Listening is always considered a receptive activity that leads to speaking as a productive activity.  Often it is best not to consider listening and speaking as two independent skills.  When one student talks, the others will listen.  And when the teacher explains, the students listen carefully.  The teacher can always combine the two skills in all activities in the class.  I will use Find Differences to teach young students.  For this activity students can work in pairs and each pair is given two different pictures, for example, a picture of a boy playing soccer and another picture of a girl playing tennis.  Students pair up to discuss similarities and / or differences in pictures.

psoter EYL midtest

Winda widyanti

Structured task

Name : Euis Nurhalimah
Class : 2B
NIM : 2109180098

Summary video

Teaching English to Young Learners
Task summary :

Theories for teaching young learners (Paul 2003):
Teaching to listen is important for children to listen to as much English as possible from the appropriate level. The appropriate level is the ability of students in mastering english neither easy or difficult for them.
And students can practice from watching movies or videos to improve listening skills. and its implementation depends on the situation. For native speakers, first teach to read first and for non native speakers, teach to listen first. The teacher teaches listening first and students can spell and repeat. then after that Allow students to pay attention to patterns and practices in their own way.