Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
Helping the children to feel secure
Name : Anisa Fauziah Azzahra
NIM : 2109180068
Poster Fazry Noer Syahid 2B
Poster presentation
Name : Fazry Noer Syahid
Class : 2B
Nim : 2109180017
Group : 6
Ma'am sorry I sent the blog through my friend's account because my account has not been invited to the blog thank you ma'am.
Fajar royani khasanah
Kelompok 6 :
-Adi padli mubarok
-Fazry noer syahid
-Salsabil nasywa a.
-Dea chaerani
-Fajar royani khasanah
Kelompok 6 :
-Adi padli mubarok
-Fazry noer syahid
-Salsabil nasywa a.
-Dea chaerani
-Fajar royani khasanah
Poster Sabrina Nurazizah
Poster Presentation
Video presentationSabrina Nurazizah
Poster Anisa Nandini
Name : Anisa Nandini
NIM : 2109180083
Class : 2B
The link :
Poster EulisTn
Name : EulisTN
Class : 2B
NIM : 2109180093
Group 3
Assignment video presentation Andi Herdiana class 2A
Nama : Andi herdiana
Nim. : 2109180031
Class. : 2A
Link of video :
Nim. : 2109180031
Class. : 2A
Link of video :
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Poster Fauzi Ardiansyah
Name : Fauzi Ardiansyah
Class : 2B
NIM : 2109180065
Group 5
Link :
Class : 2B
NIM : 2109180065
Group 5
Link :
Grouping The Children
Muhammad Sidqi Abdurrofi
Link :
Tugas Poster Alfani N
Name : Alfani Nurahmayanti
NIM : 2109180067
Class : 2B
Group 5
Poster The Physical Surrounding
Name : Rika Ramadha Fashya
NIM : 2109180114
Class : 2B
Presentasi Poster Shandy Pratama
Shandy Pratama
Poster and video
Poster and video
The title of inside a bedroom
Sri Jayanti The Characteristics of Teacher : young learners perspective
The Characteristics of Teacher : young learners perspective
Sri Jayanti
Sri Jayanti
The characteristics of teacher YL perspective
Nama : Dinda Siti Nabilah
NIM : 2109180014
Kelas : 2A
Classroom Arrangement
![]() |
Class Arrangement |
Name : Muhammad Rizki Maulana
Class : 2A
NIM : 2109180006
Link for presentation : Google Drive
Annisa Nurul The Characteristics of Teacher : young learners perspective
The Characteristics of Teacher : young learners perspective
Annisa Nurul Khoeriyah
Annisa Nurul Khoeriyah
The Physical Surroundings
Name : Intan HerLisna
NIM : 2109180092
Class : 2A
NIM : 2109180092
Class : 2A
The characteristics of teacher
Lulu Nurbayanti
Poster EYL
Classroom Language
Chintya 2A
link video+picture
Dena Tsalist
Chintya 2A
link video+picture
Dena Tsalist
The Characteristic of Teachers : Young Learners Perspective
Name: Dede Permana
Class: 2A
NIM: 2109180030
Class: 2A
NIM: 2109180030
Saturday, March 28, 2020
The Characteristic of Teachers: Young Learners Perspective
Poster presentation
Video presentation
Sifa Fauziah
Friday, March 27, 2020
Poster presentation (inside a bedroom)
Poster presentation
Name : Leni Silviani
NIM : 2109180105
Link :
Name : Leni Silviani
NIM : 2109180105
Link :
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Poster Presentation_Arranging Your Desk
Poster Presentation
Indah Nurhasanah
Indah Nurhasanah
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
POSTER EYL (Anas Muhlizar Azhar)
Anas Muhlizar Azhar
Poster EYL Yayang saskia 2C
Link video:
Physical surrounding
Poster physical surrounding
Name : Aanisah Putri
Nim : 2109180070
Class : 2C
Name : Aanisah Putri
Nim : 2109180070
Class : 2C
Characteristic of Teacher YL Perspective
Adam Alkautsar
Arranging deks
Rifka Agustin 3rd group
Grouping Of Young Learner ( Risa Ristiani 2C )
Name : Risa Ristiani
NIM : 2109180018
Class : 2C
My video presentation for Grouping Of Young Learner :
Characteristic of tacher YL Perspectie
Tugas fitri amandays 2c 2109180088
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
The Physical Surroundings_Ainni 2C
Ainni Putri Solihah
Video about The Physical Surroundings
Video about The Physical Surroundings
Language Use in Classroom_EYL
Assalamualaaikum Wr.Wb
Have you heard about how to deliver the target language in a forign language school for EYL?? So, I bring this video hopefully you can understand and pick up some benefits from this show. Thank You all, may Alloh protect us all from covid...
Here's the link brothers & sisters fillah...
By : Sony Setiawan 2109180025 😀😀😀
Have you heard about how to deliver the target language in a forign language school for EYL?? So, I bring this video hopefully you can understand and pick up some benefits from this show. Thank You all, may Alloh protect us all from covid...
Here's the link brothers & sisters fillah...
By : Sony Setiawan 2109180025 😀😀😀
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Herbs is The Solution to Prevent Corona Virus
COVID-19 pneumonia caused by the corona virus is now a hot topic being by people in various parts of the world. There are currently 103 countries infected with COVID-19, one of which is our country Indonesia. This has caused unrest in Indonesian society today. In fact, besides corona virus, there are many more viruses that can infect humans. However, we are advised not to panic and be afraid of any outbreaks because there are several plants in Indonesia that can be used to maintain endurance or prevent viral infections. So, don't be afraid with the virus. What are the plants? How to process it?
Dr. dr. Diana Krisanti Jasaputra, M.Kes. from University of Kristen Maranatha said that "Corona virus is a virus that attacks the respiratory tract as an entry channel of oxygen (O₂) into the blood," Every human body is given the gift of having the body's immune system, which is the body's immune system against bacterial or viral infections. dr. Diana explained that the immune system depends on nutrients that enter our body through food and drink, namely macronutrients which consist of carbohydrates, proteins, fats; and micronutrients consisting of vitamins and minerals. As one example, medicinal plants can also support the immune system because it has an antioxidant effect.
There are some herbs that can be used to maintain endurance or prevent viral infection:
1. Ginger
Based on research, ginger can increase the immune system. How to process it is not difficult. Ginger can be boiled using a pan made of stainless steel, but it is not recommended to use a pan made of aluminum. After that, boiled ginger water can be drunk immediately.
2. Garlic
Garlic can increase immune cells, including macrophages and lymphocytes. How to consume it by chewing a clove of raw garlic directly or slicing it first. In addition, garlic can also be a remedy for sore throats.
3. Curcuma and Turmeric
Curcumin compounds that have antioxidant effects to boost the immune system. This compound can also be found in herbal drinks.
Those herbs can be find in every place, those are also much in supermarket or traditional market. It can also planted in your garden. Beside herbs can be find easily, it also cheaper than medicine. But, remember that it is just solution to prevent the Corona Virus, if you are infected you must go to the doctor and being quarantine.
In conclusion, to prevent the entry of the virus in our body, we must consume food and drinks that can support our immune system. As Indonesian people who already believe in traditional medicines and are rich in spices, we use these natural ingredients to prevent the virus. Because natural ingredients such as red ginger, garlic, turmeric and turmeric are believed to be rich in antioxidants to maintain endurance. We can find this herbal medicine in markets and stalls because it is easy to find; but now after receiving a survey that the spice prices are increasingly rising. If you have been infected with the virus immediately go to the doctor to get proper services, because this herb is only to prevent it. Save your immune system by taking herbs and keep your health for the common good.
Indah Nurhasanah/ 2109180034
Alfany Nurahmayanti/ 2109180067
Nita Anggraeni/ 2109180069
Critical Essay Writing
Group 3
1. Dede Permana 2109180030
2. Lulu Nurbayanti 2109180047
3. Winda Ismanita 2109180007
4. Karina Suhada 2109180084
5. Rido laksono 2109180066
6. Aji Bagja Gumerlar 2109180010
Introduction: As the rainy season comes, special district of Jakarta faces serious problem such as flood.
General Statement: There are three main aspects associated with the cause of flood in Jakarta: global, regional, and local.
Body : Global warming partly to support for heavy rainfall events
1. Warmer air can hold more moisture.
2. Extreme amounts of rain/increasing frequently and intensity of heavy rainfall.
3. Global warming changes climate conditions.
B. Regional Aspect : Deforestation region because of development of farms plantations and housing has reduced rain water absorption.
1. Discouraging flood prone area.
2. Protecting natural system such as wetland that help buffer against floods.
C. Local Aspect : Deforestation region because of human presence and subsequent activities near river has also contributed the problem, the city ground surfaces are primarily covered by hard material.
III. Conclusion
To conclude, to accommodate the levels of rainwater needs integrated drainage system and an increase in the size of water channels also program to dredge sediment from the city’s rivers, canals and lake.
As the rainy season comes, special district of Jakarta faces serious problem such as flood, the greater Jakarta districts is prone to floods and mudslides. The very heavy rains in Jakarta have created severe flooding in many parts of the capital and its surrounding districts. There are three main aspects associated with the cause of flooding in Jakarta: Global, regional and local.
Jakarta and all coastal cities in the world face a high potential of flooding due to global warming. Global warming partly to support for heavy rainfall events. Such as Global warming changes climate conditions, Warmer air can hold more moisture then extreme amounts of rain / increasing frequently and intensity of heavy rainfall. From the regional point of view, Jakarta’s flood resulted from large amounts of water from upstream rivers in West Java that flowed across the capital. Deforestation in the headwater regions because of development of farms, plantations and housing has reduced rainwater absorption, sparking massive water flows to lower areas and, hence, flood in Jakarta. To avoid the flood, there are some plans such as discouraging flood prone area, protecting natural system such as wetland that help buffer against floods, then develop artificial lakes to act as water reservoirs along the West Java border outside Jakarta to take the brunt of the overflowing river. The West Java authority is only reluctantly providing land for this purpose. The third cause of Jakarta’s flood is the local factor. Many urban experts argue that the lack of open spaces and green areas in Jakarta is a source of the flood, The city ground surface are primarily covered by hard material, as rainwater cannot be absorbed by the ground surface. Being an urban area, the city’s ground surfaces are primarily covered by hard materials in the form of buildings, roads, parking lots and other amenities.
Unfortunately, Jakarta does not have an integrated drainage system and even lacks appropriate water channels. Old channels, built in the 1960s are maintained to this day, although they are no longer sufficient to accommodate the current levels of rainwater. The water channels should be sufficiently large to accommodate the runoff water and so avoid overflowing water that causes flood. Beside an integrated drainage system and an increase in the size of water channels, there needs to be an ongoing program to dredge sediment from the city’s rivers, canals and lakes.
Member :
Muhammad Sidqi A - 2109180103
Muhammad Rizki M - 2109180006
But when the first peer-to-peer network, Kazaa, appeared in 1997, everything has changed. The new age, the age of digital music has officially begun. From the very first moment and until the very recent times it had been perceived by the traditional industry as a direct menace, and rightly so – at least, to a certain extent. Although stated to be of inferior quality, music files in the new .mp3 format were small, easy to copy and quick to distribute. Quite naturally, people often decided that there was no reason why they should buy one CD with a dozen of tracks when they could get hundreds of tracks free of charge and even without leaving their houses.
The sales of music industry began to fall, no matter how hard music piracy has been persecuted. And only recently representatives of the industry began to adopt the so much hated method of distribution to their own needs. Digital stores now quite often offer music for downloading; and although it is not free of charge, at least it is as easy for an honest buyer to get music as it is for a pirate.
Muhammad Sidqi A - 2109180103
Muhammad Rizki M - 2109180006
Expansion of Digital Music
From the very beginning of the music industry its principles were unchanged. Yes, the storage mediums changed: from vinyl to audio-cassettes, from audio-cassettes to compact-discs. But the general principle remained the same: musicians signed a contract with a record label, which released their music and paid them royalties. People, if they wanted to listen to it, have to buy it. Of course, audio-cassettes and compact-discs gave an opportunity to illegally copy it, but it was rather inconvenient and didn’t actually influence anything to a great extent.But when the first peer-to-peer network, Kazaa, appeared in 1997, everything has changed. The new age, the age of digital music has officially begun. From the very first moment and until the very recent times it had been perceived by the traditional industry as a direct menace, and rightly so – at least, to a certain extent. Although stated to be of inferior quality, music files in the new .mp3 format were small, easy to copy and quick to distribute. Quite naturally, people often decided that there was no reason why they should buy one CD with a dozen of tracks when they could get hundreds of tracks free of charge and even without leaving their houses.
The sales of music industry began to fall, no matter how hard music piracy has been persecuted. And only recently representatives of the industry began to adopt the so much hated method of distribution to their own needs. Digital stores now quite often offer music for downloading; and although it is not free of charge, at least it is as easy for an honest buyer to get music as it is for a pirate.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Analysis from the book Scott and Ytreberg
(Lia Julianah 2109180090)
The results of the analysis from the book Scott and Ytreberg
- How are teacher's characteristics to young learners? Have a sense of humour, open-minded, adaptable, patient, etc.
- How do teachers build physical surrounding to YL? To build physical surrounding put as much on the wall, such as calendar, posters, postcards, pupils' drawings, writing, etc. Have plants, animals, any kind of interesting object, anything which adds character to the room, but still leaves space to work.
- How do teachers arrange the desks in YL classroom? There are 3 ways to arrangement the desk in classromm. First, Arrangement A (can teach the class easily and can have group work for some of the time, with class working in groups as four. It is good for pupil to sit in group then much more natural for them to talk to each other.), Second, Arrangement B (works for individual and whole class work. This arrangement doesn't encourage natural of the pupil communication since pupil only see the back of the heads of pupil in front of them) and Last, arrangement C (works in the same way as Arrangement B. But more flexible and leaves with space in the middle of the classroom)
- How do teachers group the YL? Pairwork (very useful and efficient way of working in language teaching. Simple to organise and easy to explain and group work shouldn't be attempted before the children are use to working in twos first.) Groupwork (which has been said about pairwork, applies to groupwork. We cannot put the children into groups, give them an exercise and assume thet it will work.)
- How is classroom language used in YL classroom? Do the word for all the things in the classroom. Have pictures to help the children with more common words. Try to speak English as much of the time as you can. Keep your language simple but natural and keep it at their level.
Video Observation - Ainni , Retno 2c
Video Observation - Ainni , Retno 2c
Sunday, March 8, 2020
member :
Muhammad Rizki maulana 2109180006
Annisa Nurul Khoeriyah 2109180038
Nisrina Nurmilah 2109180082
Muhammad Sidqi Abdurrofi 21091801003
emphasis on listening and speaking the language,
then follow on reading and writing.
The video just emphasize about
speaking and listening because the teacher gave them basic knowledge about
the word itself
relate what he teaches to what they already know in
their own language; he doesn’t use the new language as the basis for teaching
new concepts.
The teacher uses known language
such as simple word like walk, baloon and if the word kinda new he practice
it to make a imagery to the word
use as much English as possible, talk to them all
the time, so that the children hear as much as possible.
Yes since it was teaching in
Prague notably using english everytime but with known and easy to understood
his first aim should be that the children understand
the language they are being taught.
Yes it is because it makes
young learner imagine also practice it and make them think it was real and
use stories, because the children love them and it
gives them a real experience of the language.
The teacher having activity but
rarely children not paying attention because the class was interesting and
use short activities, to keep the children
Doing some short activities by
asking/guessing student name while greet them
use active activities, to change the rhythm of the
lesson, to keep them attentive, to stop them fidgeting.
In the video the teacher
doesn't need to add more activity to move along the material since the
children rarely not paying attention.
end the lesson with a quiet activity, to calm the
children down for their next lesson.
In this video the teacher not
used this method because the children still having a enthusiasm in class.
speak in
English as much as possible (all the time, if practical!).
The teacher use english all the
time to make them more fluent with hidden new word for young learner
use the children’s first language only when
necessary, for example, to explain a game or for discipline purposes
Yes it is from this video , and
for real also it was needed to make children not confused.
maaf bu sebelumnya kami sudah mengirim tapi salah blog