
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Herbs is The Solution to Prevent Corona Virus

COVID-19 pneumonia caused by the corona virus is now a hot topic being by people in various parts of the world. There are currently 103 countries infected with COVID-19, one of which is our country Indonesia. This has caused unrest in Indonesian society today. In fact, besides corona virus, there are many more viruses that can infect humans. However, we are advised not to panic and be afraid of any outbreaks because there are several plants in Indonesia that can be used to maintain endurance or prevent viral infections. So, don't be afraid with the virus. What are the plants? How to process it?
                  Dr. dr. Diana Krisanti Jasaputra, M.Kes. from University of Kristen Maranatha said that "Corona virus is a virus that attacks the respiratory tract as an entry channel of oxygen (O₂) into the blood," Every human body is given the gift of having the body's immune system, which is the body's immune system against bacterial or viral infections. dr. Diana explained that the immune system depends on nutrients that enter our body through food and drink, namely macronutrients which consist of carbohydrates, proteins, fats; and micronutrients consisting of vitamins and minerals. As one example, medicinal plants can also support the immune system because it has an antioxidant effect.
               There are some herbs that can be used to maintain endurance or prevent viral infection:
1. Ginger 
Based on research, ginger can increase the immune system. How to process it is not difficult.  Ginger can be boiled using a pan made of stainless steel, but it is not recommended to use a pan made of aluminum. After that, boiled ginger water can be drunk immediately.
2. Garlic
Garlic can increase immune cells, including macrophages and lymphocytes. How to consume it by chewing a clove of raw garlic directly or slicing it first. In addition, garlic can also be a remedy for sore throats.
3. Curcuma and Turmeric
Curcumin compounds that have antioxidant effects to boost the immune system. This compound can also be found in herbal drinks.
             Those herbs can be find in every place, those are also much in supermarket or traditional market. It can also planted in your garden. Beside herbs can be find easily, it also cheaper than medicine. But, remember that it is just solution to prevent the Corona Virus, if you are infected you must go to the doctor and being quarantine.
In conclusion, to prevent the entry of the virus in our body, we must consume food and drinks that can support our immune system. As Indonesian people who already believe in traditional medicines and are rich in spices, we use these natural ingredients to prevent the virus. Because natural ingredients such as red ginger, garlic, turmeric and turmeric are believed to be rich in antioxidants to maintain endurance. We can find this herbal medicine in markets and stalls because it is easy to find; but now after receiving a survey that the spice prices are increasingly rising. If you have been infected with the virus immediately go to the doctor to get proper services, because this herb is only to prevent it. Save your immune system by taking herbs and keep your health for the common good.

Indah Nurhasanah/ 2109180034
Alfany Nurahmayanti/ 2109180067
Nita Anggraeni/ 2109180069


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