Sunday, April 12, 2020

Structure Task

Name    : Yuda Anugrah
Class      : 2 B
Nim        : 2109180004

1.    1.  As a teacher. First things should be consider of teaching speaking English to Young Learners. That the student are on a good mood because base on Phillips ( 1993 ) Young learners are less self-conscious than olders learners. And the fact are Young learners love to have a little conversation, sing a song, game, etc. Because of it. As a teacher can use all of those as a strategy to teaching progress.
2.    2. The reason of speaking can be integrate with listening while learning speaking. Because young learners learnt to speak by heard the word by the teacher, and it can grow up young learners listening skill. After listen what the teacher said ( The words ) directly the student repeat or write down the words. And all of it good to improve a lot of ability on English.
3.    3.  Listen and Repeat
The activities give the Learners a chance to practice parts of the language - the sounds, stress, rhyme, and the information, in it also can promote effective pronunciation. When performed in combination with movements, objects or pictures, chants, songs and story refrains, they help Learners to estabilish a link between words and meaning TPR. The specific activities of listen and Repeat are :
1.       Drawing
2.       Gap feeling
3.       Body moving

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