Friday, April 10, 2020

structured task

Name : Dhea Chairanie
NIM : 2109180071
Class : 2B
Assignment : Structured Task

1. Teaching to Young Learner basically aims to provide stimulation in all aspects of child development including physical, intellectual, social, emotional and language development to develop optimally. To provide good education to early childhood we must understand their characteristics and needs according to the level of child development. So we have to provide activities that fit the needs of students and deliver them in an appropriate way too. In accordance with the world of early childhood, children learn through play (learning through play) and play is a learning process for them (playing is learning). Therefore we must give them activities in a way that suits their playing world

2. It because getting language teaching must go through listening first, there are not founded a single baby who directly writes, reads or talks without listening first.
When we are learning language we listen first, and then after listening to words or sentences, we begin to speak little by little like "mama, papa". In language learning both speaking and listening can not be separated, because they are interconnected with one another.

3. Listen and Doing
Examples :
Teacher: "Touch your check, please" (Students touch their nose)
Teacher: "Clap your hands, now" (Students clap their hands)
This activity is an application of a language learning method known as TPR
(Total Physical Response). The teacher trains the student to understand his or
her command and the student demonstrates his understanding by doing what
the teacher says correctly.

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