Thursday, April 9, 2020

Summary video Andi herdiana 2a

Nama : Andi herdiana
Nim.   : 2109180031
Class. : 2A

Summary of teaching listening to young learners, Listening is an active process, as the mind actively engages in making meaning. Paul (2003)"it is important for children to listen as much english of an appropriate level as possible". therefore our duty as teachers to ensure that the materials we use are comprehensible to our young learners, as well as within the range of what they are developmentally ready for. Listening is also hard work! And can be stressful! So in order to maximise the potential for acquisition of language, we need to ensure that our young learners are not stressed about this process. There are 3 alternative technics on teaching listening activities to young learners such as; dictation, chopsticks spelling games, and TPR (Total Physical Respons) to evade young learners bored.

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